
Showing posts from October, 2022


छठ का पर्व चार दिवसीय त्योहार है,  को होगा। छठ पूजा के दौरान हर तरफ आस्था का सैलाब देखने को मिलता है। चार दिन के इस महापर्व में पहला दिन नहाय-खाय का होता है। दूसरा दिन खरना, तीसरा दिन डूबते हुए सूर्य को अर्घ्य देने का और चौथे दिन उगते हुए सूर्य भगवान को जल चढ़ाया जाता है। हम आपके लिए लेकर आए हैं कुछ खास शुभकामना संदेश। सूर्यदेव और छठी माता की उपासना के इस महापर्व में आप अपने दोस्तों और रिश्तेदारों को ये प्यारे शुभकामना संदेश भेज सकते हैं। Visit Us:-

All About Reiki: How The Type Of Energy Healing Works & Its Health Benefits.

What is Reiki? Reiki is a spiritual practice method developed by Mikao Usui in 1922. It is a Japanese method of stress and healing, which is very similar to yoga.  According to the belief, India is the real origin of Reiki.  Thousands of years ago there was knowledge of touch therapy in India.  Evidence of this has been found in Atharvaveda. This knowledge continued to exist in oral form through the Guru-Shishya tradition.  Due to the lack of this knowledge in writing, it gradually disappeared.  Two and a half thousand years ago, Buddha taught this knowledge to his disciples so that while roaming in the forests of the time of country,  they do not lack medical facilities and they can do their treatment. There is some description of it in Lord Buddha's book called 'Lotus Sutra'. From here it reached Japan via Tibet and China with monks.  The work of rediscovering it in Japan was done by the Japanese saint Dr. Mikao Usui in his lifetime from 1869–1926....
A Guide To Emotional freedom techniques.   What are Emotional Freedom Techniques EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is also called Psychological Acupressure, in which you tap or tap on certain points of the body. By doing this the energy system of our body works well. EFT was told to me by my friend during my pregnancy. At that time I learned and did it with full confidence. Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. It's also referred to as tapping or psychological acupressure. People who use this technique believe tapping the body can create a balance in your energy system and treat pain. Is EFT scientifically proven? Disciplines such as yoga, massage, tai chi, and acupuncture rely on a body-mind connection, and evidence shows that these interventions can relieve stress, depression, anxiety, and other psychological disorders. EFT tapping falls into the category of body-centered therapies. Tapping draws on the ancient Chi...
Reiki. What is Reiki ? Reiki is a spiritual practice method developed by Mikao Usui in 1922. It is a Japanese method of stress and healing, which is very similar to yoga. According to the belief, India is the real origin of Reiki. Thousands of years ago there was knowledge of touch therapy in India. Evidence of this has been found in Atharvaveda. This knowledge continued to exist in oral form through the Guru-Shishya tradition. Due to lack of this knowledge in writing, it gradually disappeared. Two and a half thousand years ago, Buddha taught this knowledge to his disciples so that while roaming in the forests at the time of country, they do not lack medical facilities and they can do their treatment. There is some description of it in Lord Buddha's book called 'Lotus Sutra'. From here it reached Japan via Tibet and China with monks. The work of rediscovering it in Japan was done by the Japanese saint Dr. Mikao Usui in his lifetime in 1869–1926. According to its ideology, e...
Dhanteras Lord Dhanvantari appeared with the nectar urn at the time of churning  the ocean on the Trayodashi Tithi of Krishna Paksha of Kartik month (Purnimant), When Dhanvantari appeared, he had an urn full of nectar in his hands.  Since Lord Dhanvantari had appeared with an urn,  hence there is a tradition of buying utensils on this occasion.  There is also a custom to buy silver on the day of Dhanteras; When this is not possible, people buy utensils made of silver. The reason behind this is believed to be that it is a symbol of  the moon which provides coolness and the wealth of contentment resides in the mind.  Contentment is said to be the greatest wealth. He who has contentment  is healthy, happy, and he is the richest.  Lord Dhanvantari who is also the god of medicine. There is no greater wealth than the wealth of contentment to wish them health and well being. धनतेरस मंथन के समय भगवान धन्वंतरि अमृत कलश के साथ प्रकट हुए कार्तिक मास (पूर्णिम...
Every Thing you need To know About Reiki.  What is reiki & history   Reiki is a spiritual practice method developed by Mikao Usui in 1922. It is a Japanese method of stress and healing, which is similar to meditation. According to the belief, India is the real origin of Reiki. Thousands of years ago there was knowledge of touch therapy in India. Evidence of this has been found in Atharvaveda. This knowledge continued to exist in oral form through the Guru-Shishya tradition. Due to lack of this knowledge in writing, it gradually disappeared. Two and a half thousand years ago, Buddha taught this knowledge to his disciples so that while roaming in the forests at the time of country, they do not lack medical facilities and they can do their treatment. There is some description of it in Lord Buddha's book called 'Lotus Sutra'. The work of rediscovering it in Japan was done by the Japanese saint Dr. Miko Usui in his lifetime in 1869–1926. According to its ideology, energy flo...
Guided meditation Navratri day-8 Join Us :- या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ गौरी रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:।।   माँ महागौरी ने देवी पार्वती रूप में भगवान शिव को पति-रूप में प्राप्त करने के लिए कठोर तपस्या की थी, एक बार भगवान भोलेनाथ ने पार्वती जी को देखकर कुछ कह देते हैं। जिससे देवी के मन का आहत होता है और पार्वती जी तपस्या में लीन हो जाती हैं। इस प्रकार वषों तक कठोर तपस्या करने पर जब पार्वती नहीं आती तो पार्वती को खोजते हुए भगवान शिव उनके पास पहुँचते हैं  वहां पहुंचे तो वहां पार्वती को देखकर आश्चर्य चकित रह जाते हैं। पार्वती जी का रंग अत्यंत ओजपूर्ण होता है, उनकी छटा चांदनी के सामन श्वेत और कुन्द के फूल के समान धवल दिखाई पड़ती है,  उनके वस्त्र और आभूषण से प्रसन्न होकर देवी उमा को गौर वर्ण का वरदान देते हैं। तथा तभी से इनका नाम गौरी पड़ा। महागौरी रूप में देवी करूणामयी, स्नेहमयी, शांत और मृदुल दिखती हैं।  देवी के इस रूप की प्रार्थना करते हुए देव और ऋषिगण कहते हैं “सर्वमंगल मंग्ल्ये, शिवे सर्वार्थ साधिके. शरण्ये त्र्...